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"Es ist obszön, dass die weltweiten Rüstungsausgaben mehr als eine Billion US-Dollar betragen / "It is obscene that global spending on armaments has now reached a level of more than a trillion US dollar"

Rede von Bundesentwicklungsministerin Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul auf dem UN-Welt-Gipfel / Remarks of Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir die Rede von Bundesentwicklungsministerin Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul auf dem UN-Welt-Gipfel in New York am 14. September 2005 im englischen Original. Die Pressestelle des BMZ gab lediglich eine deutsche Zusammenfassung der Rede heraus, die wir zu Beginn ebenfalls dokumentieren.

BERLIN, 14.09.2005

New York, (c) BMZ - Am Eröffnungstag des Millennium+5-Gipfels sprach Bundesentwicklungsministerin Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul als Vertreterin der Bundesregierung vor der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen. In Ihrer Rede zum Thema "Financing for Development" betonte die Ministerin, dass vor allem die hohen Ölpreise und die Eigenverantwortung der Entwicklungsländer in Bezug auf "verantwortungsvolle Regierungsführung" Herausforderungen darstellen, denen sich die internationale Gemeinschaft stellen muss. Menschenrechte, vor allem die Rechte von Frauen und Kindern, so Wieczorek-Zeul weiter, seien der Schlüssel für die Erreichung der Millenniumsziele. Trotz vieler Fortschritte würden Tag für Tag noch immer 30.000 Kinder in Entwicklungsländern an vermeidbaren Krankheiten sterben. "Dies muss ein Ansporn für zusätzliche Anstrengungen Aller sein. In Deutschland haben wir daher einen Zeitplan beschlossen, um bis 2015 unserem Teil der Verantwortung gerecht zu werden und die Ausgaben für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auf 0,7% an BNE anzuheben", unterstrich die Ministerin.

Trotz einiger Mängel bewertete Wieczorek-Zeul das Abschlussdokument des Gipfels, auf Grund des klaren Bekenntnisses zu den Millenniumszielen, als gutes Signal der Weltgemeinschaft an die Armen dieser Welt. Auch in den Bereichen Stufenplan zur Erhöhung der Entwicklungsgelder und Entschuldung haben die Vereinten Nationen Fortschritte gemacht. "Insgesamt war der Gipfel ein Erfolg: Entwicklung stand und steht im Zentrum", zog die Ministerin eine erste Bilanz. "Für uns bleibt wichtig, dass gilt: Stärke des Rechts statt Recht des Stärkeren", sagte sie weiter. Wieczorek-Zeul kündigte an, dass sich die Bundesregierung daher auch weiterhin für eine Stärkung der Vereinten Nationen einsetzen werde. "Die Herausforderungen in einer globalisierten Welt wachsen ständig. Deshalb können wir auch nur gemeinsam Probleme wie Klimawandel, Sicherheit, Armutsbekämpfung und Entwicklung lösen", so die Ministerin.

Als ausdrückliches Anliegen der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit nannte Wieczorek-Zeul die Unterstützung der Eigenanstrengungen der Entwicklungsländer bei der Förderung guter Regierungsführung und Förderung des Privatsektors. "Ownership und good governance" bieten gerade dann gemeinsam große Chancen, wenn den Entwicklungsländern eine Gelegenheit gegeben wird, eigene Mittel für die Entwicklung zu mobilisieren", so Wieczorek-Zeul weiter. Ein gutes Beispiel dafür sei die HIPC-Entschuldungsinitiative: Die ehemals hochverschuldeten Länder, die durch die Initiative entschuldet wurden, konnten zwischen 1999 und 2003 ihre Sozialausgaben von 5,8 Mrd. US$ auf 9,1 Mrd. US$ steigern. Im Ergebnis würden in Mosambik heute eine Million Kinder mehr zur Schule gehen, in Tansania seien es 800.000 mehr.

Quelle: www.bmz.de

Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul

Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

United Nations General Assembly
High Level Plenary Meeting
Separate Meeting on Financing for Development
New York, 14 September 2005

Ladies and gentlemen,

When the United Nations was founded 60 years ago, the international community had just experienced a horrific world war. The nations were determined to master a new beginning together. They were united for a better world.

At the Millennium Summit five years ago, our focus was on achieving justice for our global world. We strive for a world of peace, a better world which provides opportunities also to the poor and vulnerable.

The central challenge of the 21st century is how to translate the inextricable link between development, peace and human rights into practical policies.

It is only at the global level that we can answer this question - only with a United Nations that is capable of action can we enforce the might of the law and end the practice of "might is right". Let us not miss this chance!

It has to be "good global governance". The UN alone provides a universal forum for both consensus building and setting of necessary standards.

Attempts to weaken the UN failed. That is good news. We very much welcome that in the outcome document the MDGs have been reaffirmed and, at the same time momentum has been added to our e fforts to reach timely and effectively our ambitious goals, in pa rticular the 0,7 per cent target.

Among the many innovative elements in the Dra ft Outcome Document a particularly important item is the establishment of the Peace Building Commission which we fully endorse. The Commission will be an important instrument to meet the interlinked challenges of both, development and security.

Giving shape to global good governance is a historic task. It becomes feasible if we take action as a large community - with a common vision for a better future. The ongoing reform of the UN to this aim is a pressing neccessitiy.

This vision is not only shared by most governments of our world. At the 20th World Youth Day four weeks ago in Cologne, I found that it goes far beyond that realm.

It fills me with hope that the young people of the 21st century are formulating their visions of a just and peaceful world. I have promised them to convey their visions to you. It is up to us to give young people a chance to make their dream come true. Their visions are our obligations.

It is here and today that we are setting the tracks for a world without poverty, for peace and security. What have we done so far in order to realise these visions? What do we still have to do?

The Millennium Declaration and following important Summits like those of Monterrey and Johannesburg have laid a new foundation for a global partnership between developing and industrialised coúntries - a partnership with clearly assigned responsibilities, a partnership in which we work together to solve global problems. In this connection, human rights, and especially women's and children's rights, are key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

The concept of good governance and targeted support has resulted in very practical progress. And here's one of the best examples: in those heavily indebted countries which have reached Decision Point under the debt relief initiative, social spending rose from 5.8 billion US dollars to 9.1 billion US dollars between 1999 and 2003.

But: The scandal that 30,000 children die from avoidable diseases every day demands of us every day additional efforts by all of us. This is why we adopted a concrete schedule in the EU for the first time to reach 0.51% by 2010 and the 0.7% target by 2015.

In addition to the statement of the EU, which I fully support, I would like to highlight three challenges.

First, external support will bear fruit only if it is accompanied by ownership and good governance in the developing countries. This refers as well to the mobilisation of domestic funds for development. With a view to the whole own potential of developing countries, I am also thinking of what can be offered by pro-development trade liberalisation. We in the industrialised countries in pa rticular must play our part in reducing trade barriers and agricultural export-subsidies. If trade is to make any contribution at all to the timely achievement of the MDGs, we need decisions in the WTO now - and not five years from now. I have been working hard to achieve that.

Second, the high oil price is a heavy burden on the poorest developing and oil importing countries in particular. They have a loss of 2,7% GDP. There are two obvious conclusions. For one thing, we must rely on renewable energy to a greater degree than ever before. For another, we must seek to achieve greater transparency and action in oil markets. This is precisely the point of an initiative which Germany tabled within the framework of the G8. The United Nations, the IMF and the World Bank should take up this concern.

Third, we must embark on new paths when it comes to financing for development. Global tasks such as poverty reduction and the preservation of our natural environment must be solved on a global scale - and this means that there is also need for financial instruments on a comparable scale.

I would also like to strongly encourage as many countries as possible to endorse the declaration prepared for this Summit in the context of the implementation of the Action Against Hunger and Poverty, which was initiated by President Lula.

Especially when it comes to tasks such as the protection of biodiversity, we cannot expect developing countries to shoulder these tasks alone. This idea, which ispart of the Rio agenda, must be developed further. This involves user charges, property rights to local knowledge and natural resources which rightfully belong to the developing countries themselves. In the industrialised countries, property rights have long since become a matter of course. Why should that not be the case for developing countries?

We need worldwide disarmament. And we also need nuclear disarmament of all countries involved. It is obscene that global spending on armaments has now reached a level of more than a trillion US dollar, while global expenditure on development cooperation is only 78 billion US dollars. I therefore call on all players to shift expenditure priorities towards development.

We strive for a better world - we are united for a better world. Only if we work together will we be able to make this vision of a just, secure world come true. Even if it will be a difficult road - we owe it to ourselves to make this vision come true. We owe it to the young people of our world.

Thank you very much.

Source: www.un.org

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