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Kofi Annan: "Erhaltet die palästinensischen Institutionen und Infrastruktur" / "Preserve Palestinian institutions and infrastructure", Annan says

Große Betroffenheit und Besorgnis über die humanitäre Katastrophe im Gazastreifen - Israel auf der Anklagebank - Appelle von Hilfsorganisationen (deutsch und englisch)

Seit dem 28. Juni 2006 herrscht wieder offener Krieg im israelisch-palästinensischen Dauerkonflikt. Israel, das vor wenigen Monaten erst den jahrzehntelang besetzten Gazastreifen verlassen hatte, kehrte mit Panzern, Flugzeugen und Raketen in das am dichtesten besiedelte Gebiet der Welt ein. Vorausgegangen war die Gefangennahme und Verschleppung eines israelischen Soldaten durch bewaffnete palästinensische Gruppierungen, die damit arabische Häftlinge aus israelischen Gefängnissen freipressen wollten. (Zu den aktuellen Ereignissen siehe auch unsere Nahost-Chronik.)
Wir haben im Folgenden eine Reihe interessanter Stellungnahmen aus UN-Kreisen zusammengetragen, die ein Licht auf die dramatischen Ereignisse im Nahen Osten werfen. Den Anfang macht ein kurzer Zeitungsartikel über die humanitäre Lage im Gazastreifen.

UN-Appell: Hilfslieferungen nicht länger blockieren

Palästinenser im Gazastreifen brauche dringend humanitäre Unterstützung

Von Andrea Bistrich *

Angesichts der angespannten Lage im Gazastreifen haben die Vereinten Nationen zusammen mit dem Internationalen Komitee vom Roten Kreuz (IKRK) Israel dazu aufgerufen, dringende medizinische Hilfe sowie Lebensmittellieferungen in den Gazastreifen hineinzulassen. Viele Palästinenser müssten jetzt mit lediglich einer Mahlzeit pro Tag auskommen. Der Sprecher des Welternährungsprogramms, Simon Pluess, erklärte, die Krise wirke sich auf alle Aspekte des palästinensischen Lebens aus und erschwere den Zugang zu Lebensmitteln, medizinischer Versorgung und Benzin erheblich. Etwa 70 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Gaza benötigen nach Angaben des Welternährungsprogramms tägliche Lebensmittelhilfen.

Mittlerweile verhandelt das IKRK mit Israel um die Genehmigung für humanitäre Hilfelieferungen an die Bevölkerung sowie dringend benötigten Medikamentennachschub für das Palästinensische Rote Kreuz. "Wir sind sehr besorgt über die möglichen humanitären Konsequenzen dieser gewalttätigen Eskalation und über die Schließung der Grenzübergänge nach Gaza, insbesondere des Karni-Grenzübergangs, den nahezu alle der von Israel kommenden Waren in den palästinensischen Küstenstreifen passieren müssen", sagte IKRK-Sprecherin Dorothea Krimitsas. "Nach internationalem Recht muß Israel humanitäre Lieferungen in den Gazastreifen zulassen. Darüber hinaus ist Israel verpflichtet, die lebensnotwendige Versorgung mit Lebensmitteln und medizinischer Hilfe der Bevölkerung sicherzustellen."

Insbesondere Krankenhäuser leiden stark unter der Knappheit von Medikamenten und Benzin. Nachdem das israelische Militär das einzige Elektrizitätswerk in Gaza zerstört hat, müssen die Kliniken nun mit Generatoren arbeiten, die in großen Mengen das rar gewordene Benzin verbrauchen. Palästinensische Behörden rechnen damit, daß die Spritvorräte in Gaza nur noch wenige Tage ausreichen.

* Aus: junge Welt, 4. Juli 2006

Meldungen von UN-Organisationen über die Situation im Gazastreifen

Im Folgenden dokumentieren wir eine Reihe von Meldungen über die prekäre humanitäre Lage im Gazastreifen seit der Invasion israelischer Truppen am 28. Juni.


Der UN-Sicherheitsrat trat am 28. Juni 2006 zu einer Sondersitzung zusammen um über die neue Lage im Nahen Osten zu beraten. Die Ablehnung der israelischen Invasion im Gazastreifen war der generelle Tenor der Statements, die abgegeben wurde. Darin enthalten auch die Kritik an den Aktionen radikaler palästinensicher Organisationen, insbesondere die Gefangennahme des israelischen Soldaten Gilad Shalit, die zur Zuspitzung der Situation maßgeblich beitrug. Im UN-Sicherheitsrat sprachen fast 40 offizielle Vertreter ihrer Staaten, darunter viele aus der arabischen Welt. Sämtliche Statements der 5481. Sitzung des UN-Sicherheitsrats sind auf der Website der Vereinten Nationen nachzulesen: Security Council: 5481st Meeting (PM).
Im Folgenden beschränken wir uns auf die Stellungnahmen der fünf ständigen Mitglieder des Sicherheitsrats in der Reihenfolge der Rednerliste. Zuvor jedoch eine offizielle Zusammenfassung der Diskussion.

Security Council: 5481st Meeting (PM)

As the Security Council met this afternoon to consider the growing crisis between the Israelis and Palestinians, both parties were urged to “step back from the brink”, and give dialogue a chance, in order to avert a full-scale confrontation that would only lock them in deeper and deadlier conflict.

“The slightest turn of events could easily set off another full-scale conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, bringing greater dangers to civilians, and with serious regional repercussions,” Assistant-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Angela Kane told the Council, at the outset of its meeting on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

Recalling the events of recent days, beginning with the Palestinian militant attack that had led to the abduction of a member of the Israeli Defense Forces and the subsequent Israeli military incursions into Gaza, she urged all parties to exercise restraint and act with wisdom, and in conformity with international law.

Nothing justified the holding of hostages, she said. Corporal Gilad Shalit must be released and the Palestinian Authority must act to stop indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israel. Meanwhile, Palestinian civilians should not pay the price of those actions, and Israel must cease the destruction of civilian infrastructure, ensure the protection of civilians and allow humanitarian assistance to get through.

The Permanent Observer of Palestine believed Israel’s recent military aggression was premeditated and planned, using the soldier’s capture as the pretext for launching operations into Gaza. Hundreds of Palestinians had fled their homes to stay safe from Israel’s military onslaught. Sealed border crossings and the deprivation of electricity and water, had intensified the dire conditions in hospitals and elsewhere in the community, leading the International Red Cross to call on Israel to allow the delivery of urgent medical supplies to Palestinian civilians.

Yet, he went on to say, despite the Israeli onslaught and “State terror”, the Palestinian leadership continued to choose the diplomatic option. Under President Mahmoud Abbas’ leadership, it was working to resolve the issue of the Israeli soldier taken prisoner, to make sure he was being treated according to the rules of international humanitarian law and to secure his release unharmed. It was the duty of the Council, he added, to address the crisis. A failure to do so would only serve to bolster the occupying Power’s impunity.

Israel, stated its representative, could not tolerate a situation, in which its citizens were being held hostage by members of a terrorist group such as Hamas. Sadly, Israel’s worst fears about a terrorist organization taking over the Palestinian Authority had now been realized, and the world was witnessing the true colours of Hamas. He urged the international community to continue applying all possible political pressure on the Palestinian Authority and on the Hamas terrorist organization, including its members and sponsors in Damascus, so as to ensure the immediate and safe release of the Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, and to finally bring to an end the use of Palestinian territory as a base for terrorist operations.

He said Israel had withdrawn from the Gaza Strip last August, with the hope of creating a window of opportunity and re-energizing the peace process. Instead, the response had been an actualisation of Israel’s worry -- an increase in terrorist attacks. Gaza was now a terror base, actively supported by the elected Hamas Government. The aggressive terrorist provocations of the past week and those of recent months had persisted, only because they were supported by the official Palestinian Government, a terrorist regime with a sworn intent to deny Israelis their most fundamental human rights. But Hamas was not alone in its campaign of terror. The dangerous realities in the Middle East were further inflamed by the active and direct collaboration between Syria, Iran, Hizbollah and Palestinian terror groups, comprising an “axis of terror”.

During the discussion that followed, with nearly 40 speakers, representatives called for the immediate and unconditional release of Gilad Shalit and urged Israel to exercise the utmost restraint in the current crisis. The detention of elected members of the Palestinian Government and legislature was of particular concern to several delegations, as was the protection of civilians, both Palestinian and Israeli. They called for a resumption of the peace process, warning that further escalation could jeopardize the stability of the entire region.

Also making statements today were the representatives of Qatar, France, Congo, United States, Russian Federation, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Japan, United Republic of Tanzania, Ghana, Greece, China, Argentina, Peru, Denmark, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, Austria (on behalf of the European Union), Malaysia (on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement), Jordan, Yemen, Syria, Cuba, Libya, Indonesia, South Africa, Lebanon, Norway, Morocco, Zimbabwe (on behalf of the African Group), Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

The meeting, which began at 3:25 p.m., ended at 6:55 p.m.

JEAN-MARC DE LA SABLIÈRE ( France) said he was extremely concerned by the developments in the Middle East. While he recognized Israel’s right to self-defence, he called for the greatest restraint in the military operations under way, particularly regarding the protection of Palestinian civilians. He called for the speediest end to the Israeli incursions into Gaza. It was essential that the Palestinian Authority take all necessary measures to halt the firing of missiles. He condemned the killing of the Israeli settler and the kidnapping of the soldier in the West Bank. Hamas must adhere to the three principles laid down by the international community. It was also essential to protect the Palestinian Authority as an institution, and to guarantee the possibility for future dialogue and negotiations. The arrest of Palestinian political leaders was a direct threat to the existence of Palestinian institutions, and he called for their release. It was essential, he added, for all parties to take measure towards the de-escalation of the crisis.

JOHN BOLTON ( United States) said everyone was aware of the seriousness of the situation evolving in the Middle East, and the foremost responsibility of the Security Council should be to avoid taking steps that would exacerbate that situation. The Council should tread cautiously before issuing any remarks, much less a formal statement, and should not undermine its limited credibility by engaging in rhetoric for its own sake.
He called for the immediate and unconditional release of Corporal Shalit, which was the best way to achieve a peaceful resolution of the immediate crisis. Terrorism, in any form, was intolerable, and the international community must stand united in opposing it. The attack and hostage taking had precipitated the current crisis, and the refusal to release the hostage continued to place innocent Palestinians in harm’s way. He also condemned the killing of the Israeli settler. Upon the safe release of Corporal Shalit, he hoped the parties could continue discussions on the best way forward to achieve lasting peace.
The prerequisite for ending the conflict was for Syria and Iran to end their role as State sponsors of terror, he stated. As the international community called for calm in the region, it must remain cognizant of the fact that the region would not be in the situation in was now in, if not for Syria’s harbouring of terrorists. Syria should arrest Khaled Mashaal, a terrorist and member of Hamas; close down various terrorist headquarters in Damascus; stop financing terrorism; and stop cooperating with States, such as Iran, which financed terrorism. At the same time, the representatives of the Palestinian Authority must take measures to stop acts of terrorism. He called on the current leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority to implement the principles set forth by the Quartet: renounce terror, recognize Israel and accept previous agreements, including the Road Map. He reiterated the need for Hamas to secure the safe release of Corporal Shalit. In addition, he called on all parties to avoid actions that could escalate the situation or harm innocent civilians, while acknowledging Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens.

VITALY CHURKIN ( Russian Federation) said urgent action was required to further reduce activities that could destabilize peace in the region. The large-scale military action undertaken by Israel, for example, only complicated the search for a solution. To avoid a full-blown crisis, he called on the Palestinian Authority to curb the activities of extremists, including terrorist attacks on the citizens of Israel, using missiles. Also, the Israeli soldier must be released.
He said, although Israel had a right to protect its citizens, it could not do so at the price of the entire Palestinian population, through methods of collective punishment on residents of Gaza and other places in Palestine. Activities involving the violation of the Syrian border were also insupportable. Finally, Israel’s arrest of members of the Palestinian Government should be condemned; those officials had received a mandate to serve their people through a democratic process, for which there was broad international agreement.
Bringing the parties back to the negotiating table was the only viable alternative to peace, he said. Any other alternative would lead to more destabilization. Regarding the worsening humanitarian situation, it was important to implement proposals of the Quartet for assisting the people of Palestine, by providing them with fuel and medicines, with the support of international donors. The Russian Federation, in turn, would use its contacts with Israel and Palestine, to try to bring the parties in line with agreements of the Quartet.

EMYR JONES PARRY ( United Kingdom), aligning himself with the European Union, expressed concerned over the situation in Gaza, and urged both sides to show restraint. He called for the release of Corporal Shalit, and condemned the murder of the other soldiers captured during the same operation. Israel, in turn, should seek to avoid civilian casualties in its acts, as well as committing actions that added to the suffering of the Palestinian people. The detention of elected members of the Palestinian Government raised particular concerns, and those officials should be accorded their full legal rights. Political solutions should be favoured over violence; diplomatic solutions should be sought in cases of conflict. As such, the parties in question should strive to find their way back to the negotiation table.
He said he shared the concerns expressed by others regarding the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Palestinian Territory, and hoped Israel would ease the situation by restoring electricity and water, as well as allowing access to affected areas by humanitarian organizations. The United Kingdom recognized the need to help provide for the basic needs of the Palestinian people. While the United Kingdom was not in the business of punishing people for the way they voted, it, nevertheless, did not want provide funds to a Government that did not support the Quartet principles. Under the temporary international mechanism endorsed by the Quartet, the European Commission had established teams, on the ground, to deliver allowances to frontline workers by mid-July, which was currently helping to pay for some utility bills, health supplies and social security for the poorest Palestinians.
A return to negotiations was the best way to ensure lasting peace, he added. The Security Council had a responsibility to encourage such negotiations and to help give them best chances of success. He reminded members that those goals could not be achieved, so long as one party refused to accept the right of the other to exist.

LI KEXIN ( China) said his country advocated the peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Towards that end, immediate action must be taken to end the vicious cycle of “violence for violence”. Certainly, every Government had the right to protect its citizens, but it must be done within the bounds of international law. Current Israeli action had taken place at the expense of innocent Palestinian civilians, including the detention of democratically-elected Government officials, and it should put an end to such activities.
He said recent military activities had resulted in many civilian casualties. An appeal was made to Israel to respect international humanitarian law and avoid actions that could worsen the situations. He called for the international community to work together to facilitate assistance to the affected community. Indeed, the rapid deterioration of the peace process served as a reminder that hard work in the area must continue, and that both parties must be persuaded to resume their dialogue at an early date. Practical action must also be taken by the Security Council, because it had the responsibility to uphold peace and security in the world.


Aus Gambia sandte UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan eine Botschaft, in der er sich sehr besorgt über die Eskalation der Gewalt zeigte. Er betonte vor allem die Notwendigkeit, die palästinensischen Institutionen und Infrastruktur zu erhalten, denn sie seien die Basis für die Errichtung eines selbständigen palästinensischen Staates. Alle Aktionen, die dem entgegenstünden, sollten unterbleiben.

Reacting to events in Gaza, Annan says Palestinian institutions must be maintained

2 July 2006 – United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today voiced concern about the arrest of numerous Palestinian officials in Gaza amid military operations, stressing that Palestinian institutions must be preserved in order to achieve a lasting settlement.

Speaking to reporters in Banjul, Gambia, where he is attending a Summit of the African Union (AU), the Secretary-General paused from reviewing developments on the continent to comment on the Middle East. “I would like to add a word about the situation in the Gaza, in particular, regarding the bombing of the Prime Minister's office and the arrest of the Palestinian legislators, and, of course, I have already said something about the humanitarian situation, which is also of great concern,” he said.

“I remain very concerned about the need to preserve Palestinian institutions and infrastructure. They will be the basis for an eventual two-State solution and are thus in the interest of both Israelis and Palestinians.”

In light of those considerations, Mr. Annan said it would “seem inadvisable to carry out actions that would have the opposite effect.”


Ein Sprecher der UN-Flüchtlings-Hilfsorganisation für den Nahen Osten (UNRWA) wies in einer offiziellen Stellungnahme vom 4. Juli 2006 auf die ernste humanitäre Lage im Gazastreifen hin. Immerhin erhalten 900.000 von insgesamt 1,4 Mio. Menschen im Gazastreifen Lebensmittelhilfe von UNRWA. Tonnen von Lebensmitteln könnten nicht ihre Adressaten erreichen, weil Israel seit dem 4. Juni8 deren Transport verbiete. Katastrophal seien auch die Wasserversorgung und die Abwasserbeseitigung. Der Ausfall der Stromversorgung seit der Bombardierung des Elektrizitätswerkes gefährde die Brauchbarkeit der kühl zu lagernden Impfstoffe, wird zudem von einem Vertreter von UNICEF beklagt.

Easing of Gaza blockage helps but humanitarian concerns persist – UN official

4 July 2006 – A spokesman for the main United Nations relief agency in the Middle East today welcomed the recent easing of the total blockage of the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces but warned that the humanitarian situation there remains serious, with supplies still unable to reach those in need and the lack of adequate sanitation portending a health crisis.

Matthias Burchard of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) told journalists that the lifting of some restrictions had averted, for now, a possible humanitarian catastrophe.

At the same time, he said there were no stored quantities anymore in the Gaza Strip and there was still a huge backlog of supplies to be delivered. UNWRA alone had 8,000 tons of food, or some 410 containers, waiting in the Israeli port of Ashdod because since 4 June, and Israel was not allowing containers to enter Gaza.

The Agency is providing food aid in Gaza to nearly 900,000 persons out of a population of about 1.4 million, he said. While UNRWA has been able to continue many of its activities despite military operations, it was particularly concerned about the water situation since access remained sporadic throughout the Strip, and chlorine supplies for purifying water would run out in 15 days.

Electricity supply also remained erratic and sewage was becoming widespread in the streets, with children playing in it, presenting a looming health crisis, he said. UNRWA urged the international community to be forthcoming in funding the Emergency Appeal for the occupied Palestinian territories. While the agency has sought $170 million, just over half is covered with pledges.

Damien Personnaz of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) pointed out how the electricity crisis is affecting health; vaccines must be kept refrigerated with 24 hour-a-day electricity but Gaza, which is very hot, only has electricity for 3 to 8 hours a day. For the time being, the vaccines were safe, but there was only fuel available for one week, so that the situation remained extremely precarious.



Am 29. Juni 2006 fand in Wien eine von den Vereinten Nationen geförderte Internationale Konferenz statt. Einlader war das UN-Komitee, für die "unveräußerlichen Rechte des palästinensischen Volkes" ("UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"). Die Konferenz verabschiedete eine Resolution, in der Israel wegen ihrer Militäraktionen scharf verurteilt wurde. Die Palästinenser wurden aufgefordert, ihre Raketenangriffe auf Israel einzustellen.

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